data scientist

Mendix Developer

  • Den Bosch
  • IT & Data
  • € 3.863,- en € 5.519,-
  • HBO
  • Wat ga je doen?

    You will be working on everything from small initiatives to large, complex projects. To make these successful you will be building innovative applications with our young, enthusiastic Mendix team. Additionally, the maintenance of our Mendix platform will be a small part of your job. For this position, you do not need necessarily have to be a hardcore ICT professional, but it is important that you are able to translate a need expressed by the organisation into a Mendix solution.

  • As a developer you carry the organisation and the team forward in improving aspects like quality, code conventions and test management. You are also an important resource for the architect in the ongoing development and integration of the platform.

    You have infectious enthusiasm about your experiences with Mendix and you are completely at home in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. You don’t simply build what your co-workers ask for, but you maintain a critical perspective and ask the right questions so that you arrive at what is really the best solution. Because of your strong analytical skills and because you know your way around Mendix, you enjoy solving complex problems. Additionally, you have a proactive, flexible attitude and work equally well independently as you do in a team.

    You also have:
    • A higher vocational education (HBO) diploma (in ICT, Business Administration or BI);
    • A Mendix Expert Developer certificate;
    At least 5 years’ work experience as a Mendix Developer.

  • Of course you want to work for Enexis! We maintain the energy network in the Northern, Eastern and Southern Netherlands and provide 2.7 million households and businesses with a reliable energy supply. What drives us at Enexis is being able to supply energy to the places where people need light and heat. Every day, we work hard towards a smarter, more sustainable and secure energy network. We do this with 4,500 employees and with skill and based on commitment. We make sure that everyone can be supplied with energy and, if their own energy production grows rapidly, can also feed it back into the grid. We bring the relevant parties together to achieve such developments. Making sure it all becomes possible.

    Enexis is one of the world’s top network operators, thanks in part to our high-quality IT, which is something that we are very proud of! At the same time, the energy transition is taking an enormous amount of effort and we will have to work hard to continue to facilitate the rapid changes successfully. The ICT department at Enexis is responsible for setting up and maintaining an effective and efficient supply of information and works closely with the business to develop the right solutions.

  • In exchange for your energy, Enexis will take very good care of you. Here’s what you can expect:

    • This consists of a base salary in scale 15 between € 3,863 and € 5,519, supplemented with a personal budget (10%) and a 13th month (10.7%).
    • Vacation bonus in the amount of 8% of your gross salary.
    • 24.5 vacation days with option to purchase 35.5 additional days.
    • We contribute 70% of your ABP Flexible Pension premium.
    • You will be given a smartphone and laptop or tablet that you can also use for personal purposes.
    • The option to define your own work week flexibly. We consider it vital for our employees to maintain a good balance between work and personal life. That means that if you need to bring your kids to school before work or simply want to start your day with a workout at the gym, that’s just fine.
    • An annual vitality budget of €500. This can go towards things like gym membership or a consult by a nutritional coach.
    • Commute travel reimbursement and a mobility card with a 1st class public transportation subscription.
    • All the space you need for personal growth. Because this, too, is one of our top priorities. That means that if you want to attend a workshop or take a training course, chances are good that we will pay for it.

    Do we sound like a match for you?
    We prefer to invest in long-term relationships. To make sure that we’re a match for each other, we conduct a screening. The details differ for each job and may include: an assessment and request for references, and a good conduct certificate (Dutch VOG). During your job interview we will brief you on the exact content of the screening process for your job.

    Application procedure
    When you apply, we will send you an e-mail explaining the details of the procedure.
    Interested? Click the “apply” button to start right now. Or, if you have any questions, Please feel free to contact Jasper Ohler, Corporate IT Recruiter,

marinka met collega's

Marinka is a Mendix developer at Enexis

Lees het verhaal van Marinka
Monteur in schakelstation


  1. Sollicitatie ontvangen

    We bekijken je sollicitatie zorgvuldig en binnen 2 weken weet je of we je uitnodigen voor een gesprek.

  2. Kennismakingsgesprek

    Tijd om elkaar te leren kennen. Wie ben je? Wat doe je graag? Waarom deze functie? En niet onbelangrijk: Wat wil jij weten van ons?

  3. Vervolggesprek

    We horen graag over je werkervaringen en waarom de functie op je lijf geschreven staat. Daarnaast zullen we ook dieper ingaan op de inhoud van de functie. Heb je nog vragen over Enexis of de functie waarop je solliciteert? Deze beantwoorden we natuurlijk graag.

  4. Arbeidsvoorwaardengesprek

    Is er een wederzijdse match? Dan doen we je graag een aanbod bestaande uit een passend salaris en onze arbeidsvoorwaarden, zoals het aantal vakantiedagen en een persoonlijk budget: Enexis zorgt voor jou – ook buiten je werktijden.

  5. Een warm welkom!

    Het sollicitatieproces zit erop. Je hoeft alleen nog maar je handtekening te zetten en dan start jouw avontuur bij Enexis. Tot snel, collega! 

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